Centre for Wireless Sensor Networks

The major goal and Objectives of the Centre are:

  • Modelling, Simulation and Design of WSNs.
  • To become one of the leading multidisciplinary centres of excellence on WSN in the country.
  • Disseminating knowledge and imparting periodic training to the local community including technologists/engineers and assist in their capacity building.

In order to facilitate high quality research work in application oriented area of wireless sensor networks (WSNs), a new research centre named *CENTRE FOR WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS (CWSN)* has been established at NITK. The broad goals of this centre are to promote inter-disciplinary research in area of WSNs involving faculty members from the four departments comprising of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE), Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) and the Information Technology(IT) departments. It is envisaged that the various specializations of the division namely Embedded Systems, VLSISignal Processing and Communications, Networking, Database, Data-Mining, Web services, Software Engineering, High performance computing, Wireless Sensor Networks, Intelligent Information Systems, Network Security and Power line and Distribution system monitoring will be synergized so as to maximize research and consultancy activities listed in strategic plan. By setting up the centre in WSNs, we aim to harness the expertise existing in four departments to perform cutting edge research in theme area. There is a huge technological gap in the thematic area of WSNs which has resulted in very few applications emerging from this technology area to benefit society at large. The motivate behind setting up this CWSN is to effectively bridge this gap. The are currently around seventy six (76 ) research scholars pursuing their research in the division in various areas of interests and about Ten (10 ) among in WSNs. Hence a centre is established which is housed at E & C Department, NITK. A state of art laboratory in theme area will be established and facilities will be upgraded .

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