
“EDU - Educational, Courses, College with Megamenu Drupal Theme” Documentation by “Abdullah Sowailem” v1.0

“EDU - Educational, Courses, College with Megamenu Drupal Theme”

Created: 08/05/2014
By: Abdullah Sowailem
Original HTML design by: Ansonika.

Thank you for purchasing our theme. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form here. Thanks so much!


By reading this documentation you will be strongly able to manage your site. All sorts of things it will be very clear, and you will understand well.

Module Requirements

Our custom REQUIRED modules

  • EDU Contact

Required modules

  • Contact
  • Taxonomy
  • Menu
  • Simplenews
  • jQuery Update
  • Pathauto
  • Global Redirect

Optional modules

  • Site Map


In this section there are two ways to use the theme, first is using Theme Only and the second is using Demo

  1. Theme Only

    If you want to install your own drupal site or if you already have one and you want to use EDU theme for it, you will need to upload EDU theme at "sites/all/themes" or "sites/default/themes" folder. Then from this url "http://yourdomain/admin/appearance" you will fine it at the list with another themes, just click its Enable and set default link.
    In this way, unfortunately, you will not see your site as demo, because may be you have different content types and of course different blocks.

  2. Demo

    ZIP file which you downloaded from Themeforest is containing demo installation with all source codes and content including sample images. Note that the images are not same as on the preview server because of image license. Copy the demo folder from the downloaded file into the webroot and rename the directory. In the demo directory you can find database dump named database.sql. Connect to your database server and create database and user. Don't forget to add correct permissions to new user to access the database. After that you need to modify sites/default/settings.php file. You have to set correct database credentials. Locate the $database array and set proper credentials. Now you can import the dump file. For import you can use SequelPro or PhpMyAdmin. Below you can see working example from settings.php.

    $databases = array (
      'default' => 
      array (
    	'default' => 
    	array (
    	  'database' => 'database_name',
    	  'username' => 'database_user',
    	  'password' => 'database_password',
    	  'host' => '',
    	  'port' => '',
    	  'driver' => 'mysql',
    	  'prefix' => '',

    With this type of installation you need realize that you are installing everything from our preview server (instead of images) so don't forget to set proper values for settings as email address, admin password, etc. Use this installation if you want exact copy of our preview installation. One more thing. The login and password is superadmin and 123456789.

Content Management

We will explane every one of content:

  1. Course

    For Course we are providing new Taxonomy Vocabulary named Course. Course has some fields. The fields are: "name", "description", "image", "is online", "is new", "number of lessons", "id", "level" and "start date". All fields except "name" are optional but for better user experience we reccomend to fill all these fields. Courses, which have true value in "is new" field, are displaying in the homepage so user can see all new courses on the front page.

    You can easily manage Courses in (Structure - Taxonomy - Course) at this url "http://yourdomain/admin/structure/taxonomy/course". Feel free to add or edit any course, be careful in removing a course, be sure there is no lesson referred to it.

    Each Course has some of Lessons, next section talks about it.

  2. Lesson

    The Lesson is a content and it has some fields, the important one is Course. By choose one of the listed courses, the lesseon will be grouped with this course. All other fields except "title" are optional but for better user experience we reccomend to fill all these fields.

    You will see all lessons in (Content) at "http://yourdomain/admin/content/", and it is so easy to manage them.

  3. Page

    The Page is one of the other content. It has title and body, and body supports text format event PHP code. You will see all page posts in (Content) at "http://yourdomain/admin/content/", and it is so easy to manage them.

    Some pages have PHP code to build the content, like "Home", "Staff", "News & Events", "Blog" and so on, so be careful when editing them.

  4. Blog

    The Blog is one of the other content. It has fields like image, title, tags and body. You will see all blog posts in (Content) at "http://yourdomain/admin/content/", and it is so easy to manage them.

    There is a deffernt between Blog as page and Blog as conten. The Blog page has PHP code to collect all Blog posts and show them with pagination at the bottom.

  5. FAQ

    The FAQ is one of the other content. It has question and answer. You will see all FAQ posts in (Content) at "http://yourdomain/admin/content/", and it is so easy to manage them.

    There is a deffernt between FAQ as page and FAQ as conten. The FAQ page has PHP code to collect all FAQ posts and show them.

  6. Staff

    The Staff is one of the other content. It has fields like image, title, position and body. You will see all staff posts in (Content) at "http://yourdomain/admin/content/", and it is so easy to manage them.

    There is a deffernt between Staff as page and Staff as conten. The Staff page has PHP code to collect all Staff posts and show them with pagination at the bottom.

  7. Megamenu

    The Megamenu is one of the other content. It has title and body. You will see all megamenu posts in (Content) at "http://yourdomain/admin/content/", and it is so easy to manage them.

    Megamenu posts are connected with the "Megamenu Block" which show its content at "Megamenu Region". So if you edit any existent Megamenu post it will efect at the content of that block. If you need add more additional things at Megamenu on the site or remove any one, you will need to deal with Megamenu Block.

  8. Tags

    Tags is a Taxonomy Vocabulary. You can easily manage Tags in (Structure - Taxonomy - Tags) at this url "http://yourdomain/admin/structure/taxonomy/tags". Feel free to add or edit any tag, be careful in removing a tag, be sure there is no blog referred to it.


All Blocks located in (Structure - Blocks) at this url "http://yourdomain/admin/structure/block". You can reorder them, add new one or edit existent one.

Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this theme. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this theme. No guarantees, but I'll do my best to assist. If you have a more general question relating to the themes on ThemeForest, you might consider visiting the forums and asking your question in the "Item Discussion" section.

Abdullah Sowailem

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