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Tibique dolores adversarium ne vel. At vide errem duo, vis luptatum menandri ullamcorper id.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, elitr nullam ei duo. Duo ut omnes scribentur. Vim ne quas invidunt intellegam, quo docendi blandit electram ei, vel ex omittam detracto philosophia. Ei nam reque etiam, possit eripuit ad vel. Aperiri deserunt ea cum. Eam animal principes neglegentur cu, facer audiam forensibus his ex. Tibique dolores adversarium ne vel. At vide errem duo, vis luptatum menandri ullamcorper id. Duo cu tractatos interesset, at usu soluta tibique principes. Ei cum dicam suavitate, eum ex erant homero mandamus, his te albucius platonem mediocritatem.

    Best poster presentation award received by Aarathy A.R. and Dhanush Shanbhag (Co-authors Ramesh M., Sreejesh M., Bindu K and Nagaraja H. S.) in THINK NANO 2016, National Student Symposium held at CeNSE, IISc. Bangalore from 31st March to 1st April 2016.

     M.Sc.(Physics) students won six individual prizes and overall championship in PHYSICA - 2016 , Physics Fest conducted by Mangalore University on 8 March 2016.

    Quiz - I place    --- Archana Sampath (M.Sc.II) & Omkar Hegde (M.Sc. I)
    Seminar - I Place --- Anjana Ashok (M.Sc. I)
    Just A Minute(JAM) - I Place --- Bhavishya C.P.(M.Sc. II)
    Collage Making - II Place --- Amogha (M.Sc.II) & Merin Joseph (M.Sc. I)
    Model Making - II Place --- Caroline Mendonica (M.Sc. II) & Varun Deshpande (M.Sc. I)
    Ice Brakers - I Place --- Omkar Hegde (M.Sc. I), Anjana Ashok (M.Sc. I), Merin  Joseph (M.Sc. I),  
                                          Varun Deshpande (M.Sc. I), Archana Sampath (M.Sc.II), Bhavishya C.P.(M.Sc. II),
                                          Amogha (M.Sc.II) & Caroline Mendonica (M.Sc. II)

    Best paper award received by Mr. Vinay D C (co-authors: Dr. Amba Shetty and Mr. Gebermedhin Kiros) in an International Conference on Civil, Environment and Waste Management (CEWM-16) March 20-21, 2016 Mauritius

    The Golden paper award (Best of Best Paper Award) was given to the paper authored by 

    Vishnu S Pillai and Dr C Rajasekaran (Dept of Civil Engineering, NITK),  titled " 

    Development of a Monitoring and Forecasting Method for Construction Projects using

    Time Buffers" in the International Conference in 3i - 2016.


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