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Tibique dolores adversarium ne vel. At vide errem duo, vis luptatum menandri ullamcorper id.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, elitr nullam ei duo. Duo ut omnes scribentur. Vim ne quas invidunt intellegam, quo docendi blandit electram ei, vel ex omittam detracto philosophia. Ei nam reque etiam, possit eripuit ad vel. Aperiri deserunt ea cum. Eam animal principes neglegentur cu, facer audiam forensibus his ex. Tibique dolores adversarium ne vel. At vide errem duo, vis luptatum menandri ullamcorper id. Duo cu tractatos interesset, at usu soluta tibique principes. Ei cum dicam suavitate, eum ex erant homero mandamus, his te albucius platonem mediocritatem.

    The inGEAR (Internship in Global Engineering & Advanced Research) program at Michigan State University offers summer research opportunities for high achieving undergraduates from international institutions. Funding is provided by the MSU College of Engineering, the MSU International Studies Program, and faculty mentors.
    Students who wish to apply for this program are requested to apply online. For details about the program and how to apply use the link given below.

    Dr. B. Ramachandra Bhat, Professor, Department of Chemistry has been conferred a Commonwealth Academic Fellowship tenable at Northumbria University, New Castle, United Kingdom.


    All the nine B. Tech Programmes of NITK receive the maximum award of five year accreditation from the National Board of Accreditation, an autonomous body of the Government of India. With this achievement, all Our B. Tech programmes are recognized by the Washington Accord Signatories during the period of validity of accreditation (up to July 2019).

    Mr. Shiva Kumar S M , MBA 1st year student of NITK, Surathkal  has got selected for Volvo international internship as the Volvo international intern in the role of Human Capital Planning Analyst at Greensboro City, North Carolina,USA.The internship would be commencing from May 2015 for a period of about 3 months .
    The Volvo Group International internship program is an exclusive opportunity for students from the best preferred 10 partner universities from all over the world.
    Volvo was looking for extraordinary individuals, not only in terms of academic results, but also in terms of innovative thinking and social and communicative skills. 
    Students are selected from the following Preferred Talent Partner Universities:
    • Tsinghua University, China
    • Tongji University, China
    • EMLyon, France
    • INSA Lyon, France
    • Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
    • University of Gothenburg – School of Business, Economics & Law, Sweden
    • NC State University, USA
    • Penn State University, USA
    • National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, India.
    The Volvo Group offers interesting internship opportunities – whatever your discipline of study. From cutting-edge technologies for sustainable transport solutions, to innovative production concepts, service solutions, HR and sales & marketing. Products and services that play vital roles in everyday life worldwide.
    This Internship offer includes:
    • Support to find accommodation on internship location.
    • Expenses for a round-trip to  internship location.
    • Administrative support with work permit and/or visa when needed.
    •  Allowance to cover cost of living at internship location.

    Prof Surendranathan  has published a book named  An Introduction to Ceramics and Refractories.  

    For details, please visit this link.


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